To illustrate by way of an example, assume you have a character with a security skill of 10 that is attempting to pick a lock during the middle of a battle. The number of skills characters get to choose depends on their class, as well as their intelligence modifier. A single target is overcome with fear (stunned) for six seconds. In addition, each individual Jedi class will get a feat unique to it. Residential 082 West Speak with the Ithorian leader, Chodo Habat. Seems there has been an update since the making of this post. Also, keep in mind that your skill progression will drop sharply once you become a Jedi; if you are relying on your player-character to pick locks or do other skill-related tasks, then you'll want to have a few more starting-class levels when you become a Jedi. Trask will display his courage by pushing you out into the hall to take the Sith on by yourself, giving you merely a lame battle cry as support. That's right. If you keep Canderous with you, he'll run into a Mandalorian named Jagy eventually, who will challenge him to a fight in the Dune Sea on Tatooine. Write something about yourself. 5. Fortunately, they never use it on your party, but they'll still attack en masse once you speak to the sandcrawler's captain, in three waves of four raiders apiece. Find Jagy and kill him to complete Canderous' quest. One target takes 1-6 damage per level of Jedi (10-60 max). In order to increase your attributes, you'll have to buy each additional point using a pool of 30 purchase points. You should be able to see the hangar on your map, from the tour, so proceed to the southwest until you find the door. One of the rooms to the northeast has some fairly decent items in it, including some heavy plating for HK-47. ', 'You're dooming yourself to an endless cycle of death and destruction. Now, with that lengthy lemma out of the way, let's proceed to an explanation of the Jedi classes. The body contains a slaver contract--Rorworr was apparently one of the Czerka agents responsible for acquisitioning slave labor--as well as a spent bolt casing from a Wookiee bowcaster. Anyway, your party is now in the southeastern corner of the map, hopefully calm, cool, and fully recharged. Bring the Chieftain's gaffi stick back to the Czerka office for your reward. It's something of an alternative to the Two-weapon proficiency, but instead of reducing penalties, dueling simply takes a good thing and makes it better. Dark Jedi, Sith apprentices, Sith heavy troopers, and Sith troopers all apparently take personal offense at your continued presence in this area. You proceed through the Endar Spire and parts of Taris, eventually raising him up to a level four soldier. Once that's done, Hulas will offer you membership in the Genoharadan, an elite and secretive group of bounty hunters. Since this is a passive feat, it is always active, and will help your characters stun or incapacitate their opponents. Head into the corridor, but if you're a Light side player, loot your party members of equipment before you open the far door, and use their items to outfit your PC with the best gear in your possession. The Dark side's conversation options are often glaringly obvious; if you consistently choose to be avaricious, insulting, and downright violent, then you'll find yourself feeling the hate flow through you soon enough. 429. If you wish to simply jump into the game with a minimum amount of hassle, you'll want to create a quick character. 2) Information Console Visit this console to download the area map. He was the assistant to Jana Lorso and usually served as a greeter for visitors of the Czerka office, but also had access to the corporate computer mainframe. 4) Information Console The console is located just outside the Cantina. STAR WARS Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. They've got you there, and there's no avoiding justice in this situation. Also, in the Graphics options section type a line that says . Make sure HK-47 is in your party, if you intend to pursue the best Light side course of action; luckily, the party-switching feature of your map screen is still enabled in this map area. At any rate, this level is where the fun begins. There are two entrances to the Sewers; the entrance directly to the north of the settlement's exit is closer to Zaalbar's location, so go through that one. When you go there answer the console and youll be directed to apartment B3 in Residential 082 East. All enemies within five meters of target are overcome with fear (stunned) for twelve seconds. If, on the other hand, you really want the power to destroy an entire planet in response to the pettiest of slights, then you do indeed have the opportunity to fall from grace here, or fall further from grace, if you've been a really bad boy during the preceding events. If your health starts running low, however, make sure you use a medpac immediately; you don't have a large margin of error between being wounded and being dead. The Rodian witness Gluupor will reveal with a minimum of fuss that a male Sith paid him to plant the Republic War Medal in Elassa's hand after she was killed. As soon as you see everyone go hostile, use Force speed on your Jedi party members, then spread your party out a bit to avoid the grenades that The One starts throwing at you. 7) Lieutenant Grenn Open the door to the back of the office and speak with Lt. Grenn. You probably haven't seen Bastila in action yet, so you might want to take her along, as well. Now that she's gone, you'll be able to access her terminal behind the desk. Oh, baby. Now we're getting down to it. Some people just don't feel like getting singed by blaster fire every time they step out for a cup of java juice at the cantina. Scouts seem to be merely downgraded soldiers, with less vitality and fewer feats. The other witness, Firith Me, has a story similar to Ignus', but also says that Elassa may have been a Dark Jedi. He owed a gambling debt to the Exchange that he was unable to pay off, leading him into trouble. Afterwards, head back to Jolee, but un-equip one of your party members before you do, keeping in mind that Jolee will be a required member for a bit. Once you have decided upon your course of action, you'll need to enter the Sith base. B-4D4, meet your R2-D2-esque sidekick, T1-N1. Luckily you're some kind of linguistic super-genius, as are most of your party members, because you can learn her pidgin language in a few minutes, after a process of hearing her speak and guessing what the words that she says mean. You'd think that this would make the game too easy, but let's just say that BioWare has planned accordingly: as you unlock the more advanced Force powers, your enemies will become tough enough to withstand quite a bit of damage, thus actually requiring you to use powers just to give yourself enough of an edge to actually win. Carth's side-quest involves his long-lost son, who disappeared after his home planet was destroyed by the Sith fleet. You have two options: Kono suggests that you attempt to poison the creature by placing a kind of blistering agent in the kolto harvesting machine, and then venting it into the water, which should destroy the beast, but may also have serious side effects on the surrounding environment; Sami thinks you should destroy the drilling equipment that seems to have stirred the monster from its chthonic lair. Your main contact for Light Side players in this area will be Chodo Habat at #4. You can probably see where we're going with this: if your Jedi character has a high strength, but low dexterity, he or she will deal quite a bit of damage, but will either have to wear armor to survive combat, and forgo the use of the many useful powers that are armor-restricted, or wade into combat with a low defense. Proceed throughout the Shadowlands, taking down katarns as you come across them. Go back to Yuka and you can knock the price down further with a persuade or Force persuade. She puts up quite a fight; you might want to activate an Energy Shield before waltzing in, guns blazing. As we've said, though, there's no way to consistently ensure that your opponent draws higher cards than you, so you'll generally need to attempt to get to 19 or 20 and stay there, and hope your opponent can't match up or do better than you. Any double-sided card is generally preferable to a single-sided card, though this is less true of the extreme ends of the double-sided types. After you land, pester the mechanic on the docking platform for a bit of background information about Korriban and the Sith Academy. At low levels, you'll want to have your character pursue passive feats that are always active, but when you begin looking for a useful active feat, this is the one that you'll almost always want to max out. This is explained in "Knights of the Old Republic 1". When you land at the Citadel Station youll be thrown in force cages. The upper-middle ring can only be transferred to pillars where there is no top ring. Deck 2 matters. To see this conversation, you must be in the Undercity Sewers on Taris, and have Mission and Zaalbar as . How cool is this guy? After Mission and Zaalbar join your party, Soldier characters will want to kick him out to make room for that duo; Scoundrels will want to keep Carth for a bit longer, but after you rescue Bastila, Carth will probably take a permanent back seat for the rest of the game. There's a puzzle on the wall to get him out; moving all of the panels to red will free him, while moving all of them to green will kill him. This feat allows the character to use implants, which can have drastic effects on a character's statistics and attributes. That's about it. If you have any mass-stun powers, use them to break up the attackers, then single one out for destruction. In most cases, the attack roll of a melee weapon is determined in part by the Strength modifier, but with lightsabers, it appears that the game uses the higher of the strength and dexterity modifiers to add to the attack roll, so that if your character has a dexterity of 16, and a strength of 14, then the attack roll modifier for a lightsaber would be the +3 from the dexterity. These generally allow you to perform an attack that is enhanced in some way, although they will also carry a temporary penalty. Uthar and Yuthura wait for you, and this is where all the scheming in the Double-Cross quest will pay off. You can start systematically looting the area now for items; the warriors have done a lot of salvage over the years. Spotting mines is fairly handy, since you can recover and sell them for extra cash, but seeing stealth characters won't be a consideration for your party, since the only enemies that you encounter that are capable of stealth are apparently immune to awareness. Everyone in the village will leave for the Promised Land, including the healer and the merchant, so you may want to postpone completing this quest until just before you enter the Black Vulkar base in the sewers. Each area consists of an ancient computer terminal, protected by a guardian droid. Once you do reach the second planet, however, and are chosen to become a Jedi Padawan, you'll need to decide which of the three possible classes is right for you. Jolee has a great little scene with a Sith trooper, after which you'll be freed of your cell. Your priorities in this interface are to disable the turrets and eliminate the shields of the battle droid that waits by the elevator. If you do give him a false sword, he'll be killed by Uthar the next time you enter the Academy. Proceed in a northwesterly fashion until you come across a bounty hunter roaming the halls. Speak to Master Vandar to learn about your next main quest, which is to investigate the mysterious ruins which lie to the east of the Courtyard. why cant they fix the crash problems. Rickard, who couldn't have seen glare, because the sky was cloudy. Of course, no daring escape is ever quite as easy as it seems in the Star Wars universe. I did all of this and I was able to play. The best combination of Force powers in most run-of-the-mill battles is almost always going to be master speed and Force wave. If you find yourself completely outmatched, you may be able to use stealth to bypass the tarentateks. You won't be able to take your eyes off the track while you're racing, so you should develop a habit of keeping the acceleration meter in the lower part of your field of vision, and hitting the shifter right when it first becomes available. A level eight soldier / level one guardian will have, in most cases, 90 vitality, 44 Force points, nine feats, two Force powers, and somewhere around 12 skill points allocated. When you're done fooling around, head to the middle of the eastern side of this level to find the passage down into the catacombs. Once you return to Zhar, you will be officially inducted into the Jedi Order and given a set of Jedi robes. He also asks me to help some more -- he wants me to access the Czerka mainframe, looking for data to bring to the TSF to expose their more. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords/Versions transitioning between B-4D4 to the main character after Czerka Mainframe quest on Telos. Jan 21, 2017 - 27 min - Uploaded by Weasel BanditLet's play Star Wars: KOTOR 2 - Ep 13: Getting into Czerka's mainframe Star Wars . main character after Czerka Mainframe quest on Telos (light side) * Corrects an art issue with NPCs that appear in the mine foreman's log on. B-4D4-GE3 was a GE3-series protocol droid working for Czerka Corporation and a of the Czerka office, but also had access to the corporate computer mainframe. There's a sentry droid in the room directly to the west of where you entered the base. For class skills, this limit is your experience level plus three, resulting in a maximum limit of rank four when you begin the game. Your modifier here will increase your Force power reservoir and make it easier for you to resist enemy Force powers. He says that if you kill Gadon Thek, he'll pay you 500 credits and give you Bastila, without requiring you to win the swoop race. Hit the flow control panel outside the left room. Please do not use this box to ask a question, it will be rejected - this box is for answers ONLY. f6d3264842 Return to Zax for the bounty. If you haven't yet, now might be a good time to earn some experience and credits in the Duel Ring. (In short, soldier = guardian, scout = sentinel, and scoundrel = consular. This page was last edited on 6 October 2019, at 11:59. When you're done, take the westernmost path to the Matale grounds. Still, you can clean him out of 750 credits altogether, if you have a decent deck. Put them on your main character right away, since they're obviously the most powerful robes you're going to find anywhere in the game (the +5 to Wisdom, at least, will increase your saves against all of the Dark Jedi's Force powers), then hit speed on all of your characters. Hell tell you to ask Jana Lorso in the Cerka Offices. In case we haven't beaten this into your skull yet, any equipment that gives your character immunity to mind-affecting attacks is invaluably when you come across Dark Jedi opponents, which happens with increasing frequency later in the game. Proceed still further south from here. She will give you a job to visit the Docking Module and intercept the transfer of a droid in Shuttle Bay 2. Any character that you pick to be involved in the rescue will start completely unequipped, with only their skills and Force powers to rely on. There are some other areas of interest in the Upper City, so once you're done looking around.. take a look around elsewhere. Head back out to the north beach and talk to warleader Garn, who's standing by the water; he'll speak to you of invisible warriors who have killed his men, and you'll pick up the Invisible Mandalorians side quest. Enter the shuttle and enjoy the cut-scene as you fly down to Telos. Actually, you can feel free to leave him if you want, but should you desire to get credit for the quest, you can repair the droids, no parts required. Once they're all dead, take the commander's excellent equipment and head back to the Grrrwahrr for your quest experience. Surik can either kill him, or cover his escape from the Station to Nar Shaddaa and can be found in one of the flophouses there. ), Logarithmic: 7 (Here's where your public school education starts to fail you. You need his credentials to get the droid B-4D4 but it will cost you 2,500 credits. At the second and third ranks, the power is area-effect, enabling you to shut down a whole group of droids, turn to attack the human opponents, switch back to stun the droids again, and so on. Travel all the way back to the elevator, where Gorwooken and a couple of friends will attack you. He won't respond if you have party members around, so you'll have to go to the map screen and make sure that you're alone (Solo Mode doesn't count).